This is the second post for the robot lessons next up will be 90-121:
Lesson 65: Why is it that if you call two different places for the same service you get two completely different prices? The answer is the Horde is controlling certain companies and hiking up prices to drive them into the ground.
Lesson 66: A day with the family. A day with friends. This is something that is important. A robot has no friends and no family. A human needs companionship and people around them. Be around someone you love or like everyday. Talk to them, have lunch or dinner, enjoy company. Only by being around people can you see what the Horde really is. Loneliness, hate ,and destruction.
Lesson 67: I have been enjoying Netflix instantly and my AppleTV and watching classics such as chicken little and The princess and the frog, and many many other lovely television programs. The lesson for today is "Dance your cares away,(clap, clap) worry for another day, Let the music play!" Finish that tune. Enjoy this day. Find some sun and stay away from robots.
Lesson 68: Lunch at my daughter's school makes me think of how I love my baby girl. See I don't really like kids(I love mine, and also I love babies). Kids seem to like me though so it is ok. Robots don't understand children. They don't understand the need for play. They will never understand a person going into a place they can't stand for the love of their child. I almost feel sorry for them.
Lesson 69:A good friend told me not to get my hopes up about the weather and she was right. So todays lesson is to have realistic expectations. It can't be all sunshine and roses everyday. And you can't beat the Horde at their every turn. I mean come on, they're ROBOTS! All we can do is try. And don't get down when it snows on a spring-ish day or things don't work out. Enjoy your day and have a little fun today.
Lesson 70: To judge a person by how they look or what you have heard of them is a robotic way of thinking. Stop it.
Lessons 71:Today is what is referred to as a busy day. Lots to do and I will not be relying on robots to make my day go easier. Patent teacher conferences and what not to do. I read that in Tsukuba, Japan engineers have made a robot baby named Yotaro to train people on how to care for a baby. I really don't know what to say that I haven't already.
lesson 72: Time wasters. we all have things in life that prevent us from doing important things. Try to limit the time you use these time wasting things. Save some time for fighting the Horde.
Lesson 73: There is nothing wrong with sitting around and thinking up ways to defeat the Horde. Some people may say you are day dreaming. We need to feel sorry for them.
Lesson 74: Obligations can lead to rewards. Example: You have an obligation to defeat the Horde, the reward for such will be a world where your children will be safe(at least from robots, we still have a lot of work to do on ourselves). Also I read in the Baltimore Sun that people are getting high schoolers to build robots. When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn.
Lesson 75: Sometimes we have to do things that will cause us to be slightly unhappy for a short period so that later we can be happy. I stayed up late to read my husbands new play that he finished. Now I am very tired and have to get my daughter on the school bus. But I read the play and it was great! The fight against the Horde may be hard and it may be difficult but in the end the robots will lose.
Lesson 76: My voice decided to go on a hike without me and is now lost. Sometimes things have to be lost to be found. Things are in the last place you look. Well, of course. Todays lesson is about stupid things. Sometimes its best to say nothing rather than something stupid. Example: If a robot asks you about your friends and family and whether they like or hate robots, it might be best to say nothing.
Lesson 77: Spent the whole day on the couch. Not fun. Lots of water. Lots of thoughts to destroy the Horde. Perhaps looking into how many robots to humans in the world. Also include robot to human strength ratio. Maybe important.
lesson 78: I have been telling my kids and maybe the whole world should know this too. Use your words. We don't know how you are feeling or why. Start listening people. We have robots that are teaching english in Korea. And we can't seem to use our words with each other.
Lesson 79:Some people may be slow or have just become friends with me. They may ask "Is Maia obsessed with robots, there is some thing new about them everyday?". As this is Lesson 79 all I can say is look back. That is the lesson for today.Look back and gather all the info you can.Then ask questions. By the way did you know that if you type"robot"in google the first thing that pops up is a build your own robot kits?
Lesson 80:I could have sworn that I already wrote this one but I have been really sick: You can't be too sure. As in you can't be too sure that you have done all that needs to be done to hold the Horde at bay. Have you told everyone? Even the ones who will think you are crazy? In cases like these it not so bad to say "I told you so". You may feel good. And isn't that what its all about? No wait. Its about defeating the Horde.
lesson 81: Sometimes when you are trapped in the house for one reason or another you need to try to do something constructive. I will be dreaming of ways to destroy robots while I sleep and heal up.
Lesson 82: Had two sick kids home with me and put the 6 year old to work on the Horde issue. He believes only a Ninja/Kung-fu master will be able to do this. Children really are the future. Also if you all get a spare moment why not listen to a podcast by David Mills-Low. It doesn't have anything to do with robots but there is nothing wrong with taking a small break.
Lesson 83: I enjoy cooking and entertaining people. It makes me feel more human. I enjoy spending time on the phone with friends and watching tv with my family and playing video games. The ability to enjoy. It is something to savor and spread. One thing I also enjoy doing is spreading the word that the Horde is on it way. Find something you enjoy. Also enjoy this movie I will post after this lesson.
Lesson 84:Awhile back I named a few robots that are trustworthy.I forgot one. K-9 from Doctor Who.K-9 is a dog and there for has loyalty programed into him and a will to sacrifice himself for others.When you think about it all the robots that are mentioned have been willing to sacrifice themselves for others and are treated with great respect and affection by humans. Maybe you give what you get.
Lesson 85: I am in a mood today for no real reason. But as a human it is my right and duty to be in this mood and act slightly sullen for towards no one in particular. Remember your humanity and it may save you from mindlessly fighting the Horde only to become a robot yourself in the end.
Lesson 86:For some reason I am thinking that people do not take me as seriously anymore.If they ever did.Even if you don't believe that robots are ready to destroy us all, believe that to live life and enjoy it is an important thing. To treat people well, to love your families and to learn to have fun are vital things that we have lost. Stop taking yourself so seriously. I'm ok with it. Life is hard enough as it is. Relax.
Lesson 87: Nostalgia. I've been enjoying my Netflix instant to watch old shows that I enjoyed as a kid and to share them with my kids. Its kinda a hit or miss thing. Sometimes I get a look that says"you liked this?" and sometimes they act they are the one who discovered Fraggle Rock. Sharing memories is a great thing. Like the memory of defeating the Horde one day.
Lesson 88: It has been said that adversity only makes you stronger. On the other hand fortune breeds laziness and weakness. I don't believe this. When things are going well for you that means that if you work at being stronger and better at something then it should go well for you, right?
Lesson 89: The long lost. Its great to see(or in the facebook sense "see") an old friend. I would like to say hello to these long lost(to me at least) friends. Here is to a revitalized relationship. To all my friends and comrades. Sure you may think its funny to say you are with the robots but one day there will be a choice, and I truly hope you are not caught on the wrong side.
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