This is the last big big post after this it will be one lesson per day 90-121:
Lesson 90: Get out of the house and do something for spring break. We can't just sit around with a robotic "heart" and mind and stay around tech all day. Go do something now!!
Lesson 91:Trying to think up something for lesson 100. But do numbers like these really matter? Maybe every number should be important and we need to celebrate all of them. Or none of them. I guess its up to you. Choice is a good thing.
Lesson 92: I don't like hearing the word "them" when referring to other groups of humans. To separate and discriminate changes us in horrible ways. Lets try to be best that we can.
Lesson 93: Fear. Fear can be a healthy protective instinct. But fear can inhibit and cause people to hate because they don't understand. Sometimes we need to shed our fears and try to learn. As I have said before Ignorance is a tool of the Horde. Love may be the the only thing that can fix it. Or at the very least understanding.
Lesson 94: Be well.
Lesson 95: Yesterday in Osaka scientists unveiled a robot that can smile and laugh. I think we should be better at this than any robot. We must not allow the Horde to take anymore from us than they already do. Smile everyday and find something to laugh at.
Lesson 96: In Thailand a robot ninja has bee designed to deliver food in a restaurant. I always thought there were some jobs that were protected from robots. Now the Horde I taking our livelihood. Shame on them.
Lesson 97: After hours of Murder She Wrote and Columbo I have learned somethings about myself. If I find a body I will not be the one trying to find the murderer. I will be the one running away so I don't die. Maybe. We never know how we will react to danger. I would like to hope that I will be helpful, but I don't think so. I am saving all my energy to defeat the Horde.
Lesson 98: Ever forget something important because other important things got in the way? It's alright it happens. In other news it seems robot video games are on the rise. Let just use common sense people. Its all fun and games until you are destroyed by the Horde.
Lesson 99: In the form of a question: Who is more important, the person in charge or the person who is right?
Lesson 100: The ability to love is one of the most important and amazing things in this world. To be able to care and love others is astounding. This is something to treasure and grow and pass on. Tell someone that you love them today and everyday. And then show it.
Lesson 101: The number 101 is often associated with an intro or beginners class. Lesson 101 then is Intro to Fighting the Horde. Find joy, Love others, Learn new things, See and accept differences, and Fight to protect all of this. Also the number 101 is associated with Dalmatians, but this really doesn't have anything to do with fighting the Robot Horde.
Lesson 102: In Madrid a bank has introduced sleek red "sexy" robots to take customers to their destinations. Are we as people so inept that we can't even walk to a location without escort? Are we all children compared to the almighty brain and power of the Horde? In case you didn't know the answer is no.
Lesson 103: No internet all day yesterday taught me patience. Think of how I had to write two lessons today, well okay no big. The Lesson for yesterday is lets try not to be jerks. I don't think that is hard thing to do and yet there are a lot of jerks out there. If you are dong something jerky try stopping for a day and see what happens. I will do the same.
Lesson 104: If a man or woman come up to you and says the are from a dystopian future where The Horde has won and humans are all dying off, why not give them the benefit of the doubt? It will save a lot of time in the long run if they are telling the truth.
Lesson 105:I read an article about ethics changing due to the introduction of robots in warfare.I think that with the removal of emotions the only purpose of war for a robot is to kill.Then you don't have robo-soldiers,you have killing machines.That is what they will do.They won't stop.The creation of something thats sole purpose is to bring death(not protect)other people.There is something about that that bothers me.
Lesson 106:The lesson for today is in form of another question: Why NASA Is Sending a Robot to Space That Looks Like You?Now from first glance I would say"Where did they get the rights to my likeness?"It appears that the human form can build up more synergy than the non human form robots,making it a better explorer.I say awesome,we need to start doing more with our human form. But after my nap.
Lesson 107: Find the joy in the mundane. Going shopping to get a lawn mower and other yard stuff may not sound super exciting but wait until my yard is ready for the summer!!! It may seem delusional but sometimes a little is not that bad. And I'm not talking about the Horde. We all know what's going on with that. Once my yard is done(ish) we can have lots of robot awareness parties!
Lesson 108: My email was hacked for the first time ever. I'm not sure how it was but I believe the Horde is trying to send annoying and harmful emails to my friends and family so they won't trust me anymore. Please trust that I will do my best to keep sending these lessons and that I only mean to help you all.
Lesson 109: A lesson I will try my hardest to follow. Try new things. It is always a good idea to try something new. You may just like it. We tell this to children and often fail to follow it ourselves. So try something new everyday. It could be food or a book or even a new idea. And remember you might not like it. And that's okay. We learn from this. And it will make us more than we are. And better.
Lesson 110: Very binary so all I will say is this. Safety people. Watch for danger. But don't forget that life has wonders. Say nothing of the Horde this day.
Lesson 111: Joe Nedney, a placekicker for the San Francisco 49ers beat a robot in a field-goal kicking competition. Because of the binary nature of the lesson number that is all I will say.
Lesson 112: Do a kind deed for another person. tell them something nice about themselves. Do a favor. If something was done for you pass it on. Its like Pay It Forward. But without the sad ending. When we take care of others, we are really taking care of ourselves. And that puts us one step toward defeating the Horde.
lesson 113: A day of firsts. Elizabeth's first class birthday. And I heard a song called Alejandro for the first time. I now understand jokes made referring to the song. Its nice to have firsts. I can't wait to find out wait new firsts will happen tomorrow. Perhaps the first hard strike against the Robot Horde.
Lesson 114:The birthday of my youngest is today,I can't help but be sad about it.She isn't a baby.It makes me think of loss.But I am gaining a pretty little girl who can talk and has her own views.And loves to dance.And wants to be a ballerina when she grows up. And go into outer space.Hug a baby or a kid today, it will make you think of the future.Just make sure it's your kid or you have permission from the parents.
Lesson 115:I was reading the news on robots and saw that mind controlled robots are being developed. I can't help but think, REALLY? I mean come on! There really isn't anything else that can be said. Except this: "A door, once opened, may be stepped through in either direction."
Lesson 116: Find the time. Before there isn't any left. I heard this saying " S/he has all the time is the world." Its probably because they took it from you. Find your time and take it back. Most likely the Horde has plans to take all of our time and fill it up with useless stuff. Like reality television.
Lesson 117:Patience.I just watched part 1 of an episode of Doctor Who.Won't find out for a week what happens.Sometimes even if we want it now we have to wait.And that is just that.Sometimes good things come to those who wait.The creation of short cuts can be great.But sometimes it ruins the surprise."Spoilers".Building tech to shorten the wait sounds like a good idea but sometimes things take awhile for a reason.
Lesson 118: The weather outside is making the kids sad. They want to run and jump and play. It makes me sad too because they are doing it inside. Sometime quiet time is a nice thing to contemplate stuff. Like how jobs are being created for robots, but not people. Like no matter how many warnings there are people will still create stronger faster and smarter robots.
lesson 119: Sometimes as adults we don't listen to our own rules and advise. I am not speaking of anything so bad as welcoming the Horde into my home or anything. I was running in my home to go wash the garlic smell of dinner off of my hands when I tripped over a very small plastic step stool. I smacked my foot and the plastic on the stool cut my toe. I felt dumb. Listen to your own rules.
Lesson 120: Did you know that there are theoretic instructions on how to build an Artificial Intelligence on the internet? That is crazy!! I mean really! Sometimes an idea needs to just stay an idea.
Lesson 121: You know what can be disheartening? That in a general sense robots ARE faster and smarter than us. But thats only because we make them that way. We need to work on making ourselves smarter and faster or we will end up like those people on WALL-E.
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