Friday, April 30, 2010

Lessons for the upcoming robot invasion By Maia Mills-Low

I am posting in three blogs what I have done for this year so far. Starting on January 1st I have written 1 lesson per day omitting lesson 2 and skipping to 3 as robots are linear and cannot skip numbers. This is the 1st post lessons 1-63:

Happy new year people! Just remember 2010 is the year our robot overlords will take power. Hail to our new Robot Masters!!!

Lesson 1: If you are planning a rebellion against our new Robot Masters it is best to pretend as though you are not. Robots do not understand deception so this is always a good tactic.

Lesson 3: Pretending that the robots have not taken over the world does not make it so. Sorry.

Lesson 4: Accusing your friends and family of being robots will only cause decent in our own camp. This time above all times we must trust one another. Anyway the robots have not been in power long enough to create androids.

Lesson 5: Life goes on. We mustn't forget this while we battle the robot hordes(and by battle I mean welcome). Life your life, go shopping, love your kids and your family, go to work. Or not.

Lesson 6: You may have heard the motto "constant vigilance", in the case of the robot horde this is not necessary. Robots will live forever. That means most of their plans are in the long term. You may have noticed the "most of the time". We will, at one time or another, find the occasional robot or stray program that will jump the gun. So I think our motto will be "occasional vigilance". OCCASIONAL VIGILANCE PEOPLE!!

lesson 7: Let us not forget the words of the wise ones and start programming the Asimov Robotic Laws into robots while we still can. It may be possible to put a temporary hold and the robot invasion. Maybe we can learn something from sci fi. So on this day when the roads are all ice, stay in and watch old movies and read sci fi anthologies and comics. And remember OCCASIONAL VIGILANCE.

Lesson 8: It is cold outside, like the heart of a robot. Lets not forget to love each other and feel feelings and stuff. Don't forget there are lots of things that we can do that robots can't. Like eat and dream and cry and freeze outside. It's why robots are taking over the world. They want to be us, but they hate us too.

Lesson 9: People seem to be forgetting the difference between robots and androids. An android is a complete human replica and therefore will have emotions of some sort and perhaps even dream. This is NOT what we are dealing with. Robots have no feelings and only exist to destroy freedom and annihilate human beings. Androids are the robot weapon against us. By humanizing themselves we feel compassion for them.

Lesson 10: The media has been warning us about the dangers of Robots for years and we just called them crazy. Movies have been showing us worst case scenarios for years as well. We need to pay better attention to what people are trying to tell us. That is the lesson for today, listen and pay attention!

lesson 11: I have a headache today. I suspect the robots are trying to get at me for what I have been posting. For the upcoming week we will all be very busy. Don't forget to tell lots of jokes. People who don't laugh at your joke are trying to be like the robots. Or you're not funny.

Lesson 12: Hobbies. As in get one. Robots do not have hobbies, unless you count the destruction of mankind. If all you do is work, work, work then you will no better than the robots. Remember that.

Lesson 13: 1st scenario : You are at a dinner party and the topic turns to the on coming robot hordes. Now this is a mixed dinner party with friends and co-workers. At this time you should make witty jokes and voice that you have nothing against Robots. Robot sympathizers like to go to dinner parties, mostly for the free food(all they have to bring is bread or a cheap bottle of wine).

Lesson 14: Mornings, one of the many things a robot can not appreciate. The ability to wake up with hope for the day. Do not confuse sleep mode with actual sleep. Robots have no hope which is why they want to take ours away. Keeping hope in your hearts is one you can defeat the robots. If you wanted to defeat them.

Lesson 15: Having friends is a wonderful thing that a robot cannot understand. Robots have no loyalty except to their programming. These are the times to truly appreciate your friends and all that they have done. So go out with friends, sing some karaoke, have tea or coffee. Just talk. Avoid using computers to maintain friendships. This is the Robot's tool. Instead of MMORPG try getting together for a D&D game.

Lesson 16: Charity. To give to others. In times like these let us not forget others that are suffering in this world. Robots cannot understand the act of giving to others with no thought to ourselves. So think of others and give what you can.

Lesson 17: Weekends. People think weekends are for relaxation and contemplation. I would agree with this. What weekends have turned into is "extra time" to finish the stuff that didn't get done in the week. For a robot everyday is "extra time" to get more work done. Take some time to contemplate life, read a book, call a friend. One hour of relaxation is one hour taken from the Robot Horde.

Lesson 18: Now that we have thought about the things that continue to make us human lets not forget what makes a robot a robot. Also remember there are robot sympathizers that like to act like robots as well. We must help robot sympathizers see the way. Even though they may act to destroy us they are our brothers and sisters. Remember people OCCASIONAL VIGILANCE !

Lesson 20:On a day like today, when my furnace has stopped working(no worries it will get fixed),I like to think of the good things I do have in my life. Friends and family that I love and a rewarding role in a play, beautiful children that cannot imagine not having. For a robot these things are meaningless. A grateful day is a day taken from the horde. Also I was reading that Japanese company is developing a robot to assist the elderly. Shouldn’t we be assisting the elderly?

Lesson 21: Don't worry, just because you work on computers or develop new programs doesn't mean that you are a robot sympathizer. But be careful there is a company near Stanford that is giving away robots for R&D purposes. This is just a trick to get a robot in every business. Next they will be in every home. All I'm saying is to use common sense.

Lesson 22:Late night out and playing princess and I almost missed today's lesson. So today's lessons is about making time for the important things. Like playing princess with your daughter or watching that last episode that you missed. But don't forget the dangers lurking out there. The horde is out there, but I have found through my studies that they hate karaoke and other strange fun times. Watch your back friends.

Lesson 23:Today I was going to give a lesson in being grateful for what you get. Sometimes its not exactly what you want but you can find the good in it anyway. People who are not happy with what they get stop getting things. I was pointed toward National Geographic and saw that researchers at MIT have made robotic fish. So now the Horde is trying to replace our animals. All I can say is robot sushi doesn't sound too good.

Lesson 24: Not a lot of time to write something meaningful and witty. Today I wanted to discuss food. Contrary to popular belief robots do NOT eat in a conventional sense. Not oil or alcohol. The only thing a robot can ingest is power. As Jimi Hendrix said "When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

Lesson 25: When walking down the street there is no need to yell about how much you may hate or love the robot horde. A t-shirt will suffice.

Lesson 26: I have a crazy cold and think I will rest most of today. Even if I can't do much today I will still be able to think on what to do to battle the horde. May bi annual meetings with the resistance. I mean we all have things to do and twice a year seems like enough. The robots have forever and I'm thinking a generational resistance may be the way to go.

Lesson 27:I hate to say it there may be a thing or two to learn from the Robot Horde. Patience is one of them. A robot can live forever so they have all the time in the world. We need to learn to wait for things, not be in such a hurry. When you hurry you miss stuff. Ever been in a rush to make something for a meeting and then run out of the house get all the way there and remember that you left it on the table at home?

Lesson 28: It is getting more difficult to think of lessons. Although that may just be my cold talking. Conformity, to be like everyone else. Well everyone else is ignoring the threat that robots are. Everyone else will become slaves to the cold steel(or whatever alloy) emotionless brain of the Horde. Not so good to be like everyone huh?

Lesson 29:Nanotechnology.Nanotech is something to really worry about. You can't see it since it deals with structures of the size 100 nanometers or smaller. I sometimes wonder why people think smaller is better. I think smaller is more dangerous. Because we can't watch out for it. I think that the H1N1 was in fact an experiment in nanotechnology. Which means we have to fight it within our own bodies. Be careful folks.

Lesson 30: Toy robots may seem to be all fun and games, because that is what they are. They are in fact harmless. In a way. They do teach our children that robots are cool and it would be awesome to build one. If we tell the kids to not build robots then we will have kids getting together in basements and trading robot arms on the street. Love and support is all we can give kids. And Destruction of the Horde.

Lesson 31: I would say that tax preparation was invented by robots but really this is torture we have made for ourselves. Sorta like robots. I think we need to stop punishing ourselves. We're not so bad. For the most part. Kinda. Sometimes.

Lesson 32: This being strike night for the play, I think we should think about taking things down and rebuilding. Sometime it is necessary to destroy something to save it. Like Robots...

Lesson 33: A time for newness. I watched a movie about a cop in the near future with marriage problems stemming from the loss of his cute little boy who has to fight technology so that people and society as a whole will grow. No not that one, the other one. Not that one either. Time for a new formula. Imagination is one thing we have up on The Horde. Let's use it please.

Lesson 34: Plans are a good thing. Sometimes we just have to get things done you know? Like making menus and cleaning the house. Or Destroying the Horde.

Lesson 35: I am feeling discouraged at the moment. I just need things to work out the way they should. But the world does not work that way. A robot tries to control everything and all outcomes. I can not. I am not a robot and that is okay with me.

Lesson 36: Adversity. We need to work hard for things in life or apparently it’s not worth it. Although I think if someone gave me 5 million dollars I didn't earn I would be okay with it. Buffy Summers said " The hardest thing in this world is to live in it.". I'll agree with that. Buffy was never a fan of robots. Especially robots who dated her Mom, or tried to be her. I think we need a robot slayer. Blade Runner?

Lesson 37: Busy day today, and yet not much got done. I am thinking that Microsoft is run by robots and Nintendo by soft hearted pokemon type creatures because a Wii has built in wireless networking while an Xbox 360 does not and you have to go buy one which is lame. Not sure where the lesson is but there you go.

Lesson 38: Obsession. You would think that a robots doesn't obsess about things. No addiction, no customs, no compulsions. But a robot is really an all or nothing kind of thing. When created they will serve the horde completely and there really isn't a question of not doing so. I think maybe sometimes we do have things in common.

Lesson 39: Competition. this being a day where people are really thinking about who's team is the best and all, I have to say this can be healthy. A robot doesn't compete because there is no ego. Some robots are better and that’s that. All I can say is GO WHICHEVER TEAM IS BETTER!! and of course OCCASIONAL VIGILANCE!!

Lesson 40:It has been proven that my daughter is not a robot. One day I caught her saying "I-am-a-robot" and I was a little worried. But I took her to the doctor because she wasn't feeling well and they told me she has an ear infection. Well robots don't get ear infections because they don't have ears! But poor baby girl. A couple days ago she told me that robots are creepy so that's good. Kids experiment with wacky things

Lesson 41:There are only 3 robots that can be thought upon in a favorable way in the movies and these robots are in no particular order other than how I am typing: SAINT Number 5 aka Johnny 5 from Short Circuit ,WALL-E and R2-D2(I don't like C3-PO because he is snooty and tries too hard to be a person).Be careful around this kind of pro-robot propaganda. Robots are not our friends and do not want what is best for us. Also I did not include androids or cyborgs to this list.

Lesson 42: Preparation. We must be prepared for all things. Well most things anyway. The horde will wait for the right time but we must all be ready. Don't forget to warn your friends and family about the horde. There are no shelters that a robot can not break though so don't think going into hiding will help. Keep going to school and work and teach the children and stuff. When they strike we will be ready. I hope.

Lesson 43: Birthdays. Really one that I am thinking about. Always take time to acknowledge each year. Robots don't age, therefore they don't grow. They can never be more than what they were when created. But we can. And we should.

Lesson 44: Parties and the need to celebrate are important to people. Robots do not celebrate anything for they have no joy in life(because they have no life). Celebrate life and enjoy time with friends and family. There can be no better time had than with the ones you love. A robot will never understand this and so it is something we can use against them.

Lesson 45:Technology.Here's the thing. I like tech. I love my computer and my game consoles. I love my phone, and going to electronic stores and looking around and pushing buttons. But tech is like candy, too much, too big and its not as good anymore. You may think "I know, I will make the largest, sweetest piece of candy ever thought of!" But all you get is a tummy ache in the end. I don't really like candy all that much.

Lesson 46:Love.As a robot cannot love, has no loyalty, and cannot have a family, they can never understand the drive that brings us together. Sure we like to be alone once in awhile, but not today, which I think kinda sucks. Remember that you are loved, if not by anyone you can think of, then by me. To me you are not just another ally against the Horde, you are my friend and my family. Thank you for yourself.

Lesson 47:Sleepy no school day spent with friends and family. I was reminded that children are completely insane and in no way resemble robots. Perhaps we should take a lesson from them and remember that fun can be had in the smallest of things.

Lesson 48: Children are full of germs and gross and occasionally just nasty. That said I love mine. Even though I feel like I have had a continual cold for a month. Treasure the next generation. It will be them that will make sure that the Horde never returns. You know, after we defeat them. Unless its the children who defeat them and then it will be our grandchildren who will keep the Horde from returning. Whichever.

Lesson 49: The robots will always try to find something to make you feel like you can't do anything right. They will find ways of getting you down. Like the stomach flu.

Lesson 51:I've been wondering how many people are actually reading this. Don’t forget to tell your family to keep their electronics in their place. Sure having your floor vacuum itself is cool but what happens when it doesn't want to do that anymore. Or when it need an "update" off of the computer? Just be careful. Convenience is great, but being alive means hard work. That means you may have to vacuum the floor yourself.

Lesson 52: I skipped a day and didn't realize it. So 2 today. To a robot there is no difference between one human and the next. In the end they want to destroy us all. We are all doing a good job at helping them out. We need to find peace within ourselves so we can destroy the horde once and for all.

Lesson 53: I made a banana cream pie. It was fun. Now I will make some chicken salad for dinner. Take that robots!

Lesson 54: I look out into my yard on this sunny but cold day and I can't help but think about all the work that needs to be done to be ready for spring and summer. Plan ahead. A robot will always be calculating and think of new ways to conquer our world. By planning ahead we maybe able to defeat them before some plan go in motion. Putting it off until later will only cause the horde to defeat us.

Lesson 55: Have to. This is a robots existence everyday. To a human have to has become something that people live with everyday as well. We need to separate ourselves from robots, make ourselves different. We need more want to's. Do something you want to do but don't have to everyday. It maybe small or big but it will make you, you. Only by being as human as we can can we possibly strike back at the Horde.

Lesson 56:I like to take naps.Sleep can be more fun than people think.There is no reason the necessities like sleep and food have to be boring.Sleep can be fun,even small naps and food can be fun too, even if you are eating well.A robot does not know the meaning of fun and will only do things because it is programmed.Find fun in the little necessities in life and you can find just little happy every little thing.

Lesson 57:It's alway good to have something that you do everyday.I always write one robotic lesson each day.It makes me feel that I have done something worthwhile.Which is all relative. The word worthwhile I mean.To a robot it is worthwhile to compute the demise of humans.It can be making dinner or getting laundry done.Or its making that call you didn't make yesterday.Only you can say what is worthwhile to you.

Lesson 58:There are times,when faced with a decision I choose nothing.Too many things to do and too many people to disappoint.Sometimes a choice has to be made.And sometimes the answer is"not today possibly tomorrow".So I will not defeat the horde today I have to go grocery shopping and run errands,possibly tomorrow I will have time to find the horde's hideout to plan their demise. Then again maybe not tomorrow.

Lesson 59: This is a little late but somethings can wait on a busy Saturday. Kids cooking running here and there, company, then lesson. So, somethings can wait. Not the destruction of the horde but other things can wait.

Lesson 60: well 6-0 lessons(really if you have been paying attention its 5-9 but whatever)I am pro-human. That is not to mean that i am necessarily anti-robot. I am against killing people because of the inability or refusal to understand differences. If that means I'm not cool with robots well, I'm ok with that.

Lesson 61: It is said that doing the same thing over and over and expecting different result is the definition of insanity. What is it called when you are told what will happen and you do it anyway? Take note robot manufactures, slaves to the Horde, this is you.

Lesson 62: Its almost time for spring. It is a time of renewal and birth. This a thing a robot will never understand as they are manufactured and not born. They will never grow. We must welcome all the little ones. They will be taking care of us soon enough. And hopefully we can take care of the robots before then.

Lesson 63: Creativity. I taught myself how to create a ponytail holder thingy for my daughter by knitting stretchy yarn and it got me thinking about how robots don't create, they manufacture. A human can create so many things, in many ways. Plays, books, art, games, even other humans. Create something today. Embrace the differences from the Horde.

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